Shipping & Return


We offer free shipping within the United States for orders over $40. Usually, we offer express 1-day or 2-3-day delivery and standard 3-5-day delivery.

We don't offer free shipping to the Rest of the World. The shipping is paid for by the customer and the shipping time is clearly mentioned before the customer pays.


If you purchased a product from our website (www.tegadesign.com) and are not happy with it, you may return it for a full refund. Shipping costs and customs/import duties and taxes are non-refundable.

You may return your purchase within 30 days of fulfillment for a refund.

You can start a return or exchange at https://tegadesign.returnsdrive.com

The amount paid for the returned product will be refunded to the customer's bank account within 15 days from the return date.


You can start a return or exchange at https://tegadesign.returnsdrive.com


Load video: High-performance carbon fiber insole featuring ergonomic arch support, shock-absorbing gel pads, and breathable fabric. Designed for pain relief, stability, and all-day comfort in athletic and everyday shoes.

Superior Arch Support for Pain Relief

Ideal for relieving plantar fasciitis, metatarsalgia, and heel pain. Perfect for running, hiking, cycling, tennis, basketball, and prolonged standing.